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Korean History for International Readers

Korean History for International Readers

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  • 휴머니스트
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  • 2010-11-23 출간
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  • 327페이지
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  • 188 X 254 X 30 mm /784g
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  • ISBN 9788958623632





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-To Korean Readers
How can we talk about Korean history to non-Korean readers?
-To non-Korean Readers: Who Read This Book
Hoping to get closer to each other through Korean history
-Prologue - Korean and Koreans, Who are they?

I. The Beginning of the Korean History - B.C. 500000~B.C. 1C
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Prehistoric Culture of the Korean Peninsula, and the Historic Periods
1. Since When Did the Existence of Man Begin on the Korean Peninsula?
2. Koreans Found Gojoseon: the First Kingdom of the Korean Peninsula
3. Developments of Several Ancient Kingdoms, in the South and North of the Korean Peninsula
- Historical Sites: The Largest Dolmen Kingdom in the World
- Life and Culture: Ritual Ceremony to God

II. The Beginning of the Three Kingdoms Period - B.C. 1C~A.D. 700
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Formation of the East Asian Culture Block
1. The Foundation fo the Three Kingdoms: Goguryeo, Baekje, and Shilla
2. Competitions Become Intense Among the Three Kingdoms
- Historical Sites: Ancient Tombs and Murals; Meeting the Goguryeo People 1,600 Years Ago
3. Goguryeo’s Defeat of Successive Invasions of Sui and Tang
4. A Variety of Flourishing Cultures due to the Expansion of Trades
- Life and Culture: Bab and Gimchi, Stories of the Korean Dining Table

III. Unified Shilla and Balhae in the South and North - 648~926
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: People Embarking upon a Journey to the World, and Seokguram
1. Shilla Unites Baekje and Goguryeo
2. The Unified Shilla and Balhae’s Occupying the South and North of the Peninsula
3. The Remarkable Development of a Buddhist Culture
- Historical Sites: Bulguksa, a Temple in the Land of Buddha
4. The Decline of the South and North Kingdoms Era
- Life and Culture: Tile-roofed Houses, Straw-roofed Houses, and Ondol and Wooden Floors

IV. Emergence of a United Power Named Goryeo - 900~1135
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: The Byeokrannaru Ferry Dock and Gaegyeong, the Imperial Capital of Goryeo
1. Goryeo Unites the Later Three Kingdoms
2. Goryeo Adopts the Civil Service Examination, and Develops a Bureaucratic Ruling System
- Historical Sites: Blue Celadon and Porcelain Expositions
3. Northeast Asia in Turmoil: Goryeo Employs Practical Diplomacy
- Life and Culture: Goryeo Believed in Buddha and Respected Confucius

V. A New Historical Perspective Formed Through Struggles Against Foreign Powers - 1135~1380
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Cultural Exchanges Between Goryeo and the Mongol Empire
1.“Liberate the Slaves of Samhan!”
2. Development of a New Historical Perspective
- Historical Sites: Jikji, and the Museum of Archaic Printing
3. Rise of the Reformers, Dreaming of a New World
- Life and Culture: The Meaning of Buddhism to Koreans

VI. Rise of a New Dynasty, Joseon: The Beginning of New Traditions - 1380~1474
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Korean’s First Calendar, Chiljeongsan
1. Joseon Designates Hanyang as the Capital for a New Dynasty
- Historical Sites: The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty
2. Joseon’s Expansion of Its Northern Border to the Amnokgang and the Dumangang
3. The Korean Alphabet Hangeul is Invented
- Life and Culture: Beautiful and Scientific Letters of Hangeul

VII. The Spread of Confucian Culture - 1474~1650
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Northeast Asia Engulfed in Wars
1. The Sarim Scholars, Dreaming of an Idealistic Governance Based on Neo-Confucianism
- Historical Sites: Seowon, Where Joseon Scholars’ Life Can be Found
2. Turmoil from the Two Wars
3. Establishment of a Patriarchic Family System
- Life and Culture: Ancestral Rituals: Commemorating the Deceased Parents

VIII. Various Attempts for Changes - 1650~1862
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Those Who Visited Yeongyeong (Beijing) and Edo (Tokyo)
1. From “Bukbeol” to “Bukhak”; Expanding One’s Perspective in Viewing the World
2. “Let’s Rebuild Joseon!”
- Historical Sites: The Hwaseong City and the Manseokgeo Reservoir, King Jeongjo’s New City Construction Project
3. The People’s Uprising
- Life and Culture: Joseon’s Folk Paintings, Strikingly Reflecting the Daily Life

IX. Joseon at a Turning Point - 1863~1896
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Ports of All Three East Asian Countries Opened
1. The Old System at Risk; Joseon Seeks Reforms
- Historical sites: Ganghwado, the Beginning of the Modern History of Korea
2. Joseon Joins Modernized Countries
3. Radical Reforms Attempted
4. Clashes Between “Revolution from the Bottom” and “Reforms from the Above”
- Life and Culture: The Joseon’s Image Reflected on the Westerners’ Views, and the Western World in the Eyes of the Joseon People

X. An Unfulfilled Dream of Constructing a People’s Nation; Subsequent Colonization and Oppression by the Japanese - 1897~1921
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Imperialists’ Invasion and the Colonized Joseon
1. Last Reform of the Great Empire of Han (Daehan Empire)
- Historical Sites: Modern History at the Gyeongungung Palace and the Jeongdong Street
2. Joseon’s Confrontation Against the Japanese Invasion
3. Joseon, a Colony of Japan: Distorted Modern History of Korea
4. Establishment of a Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
- Life and Culture: Taegeukgi and the National Anthem: Wishes for Independence

XI. Koreans’ Preparation for Liberation - 1922~1945
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: World War II and the Korean Independence Movement
1. Development Without Development: People Are Tired
2. Emergence of Social Movements
3. Emergence of Various Nationalist Movements
4. Founding a Nation While Fighting Against Fascism
- Historical Sites: Historic Hall of the Seodaemun Prison, and the Independence Memorial Hall of Korea
- Life and Culture: Migration of Koreans During the Occupation: Koreans Overseas

XII. The Establishment of a Democratic Republic and the Country’s Division - 1945~1960
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: Conflicts During the Cold War Period
1. Upon Liberation, the Process for Building a Nation Accelerates
2. Establishment of the Republic of Korea
3. Outbreak of the Korean War
- Historical sites: DMZ; from the Days of the 38th Parallel to the Restoration of the Gyeongeuiseon Railroad
4. Divided into Two Nations
- Life and Culture: The Differences and Similarities Between Two Koreas

XIII. Changing Korean Peninsula, Dynamic Korea - 1960~2010
- Korea in the World, The World in Korea: People’s Power in the 1980s and the June Democracy Movement
1. Industrialization Picks Up Pace in South Korea
- Historical sites: Metropolitan City: the New Image of Today’s Seoul
2. Accomplishment of Both Industrialization and Democracy
3. North Korea: the Socialist Country Hits a Wall
4. The Korean Peninsula Changing, South and North Getting Closer
- Life and Culture: One Million Foreigners, Various Nationalities Inside Korea

- Sources and Copyrights
- Index

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