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  • Hildi Kang
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  • 서울셀렉션
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  • 2017-10-01 출간
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  • 240페이지
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  • 151 X 222 X 19 mm /374g
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  • ISBN 9781624121029





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Preface and Acknowledgements
A Note to the Readers

Part One ? Honor (1335?1397)
Chapter 1 The Emergence of Yi Seonggye and Lady Kang
Chapter 2 Second Wife: Goryeo, 1356?1392 41
Chapter 3 Illustrious Consort: Joseon, 1392?1396
Chapter 4 Queen Sindeok: Joseon, 1396?1397

Part Two ? Dishonor (1398?1450)
Chapter 5 The Chess Master
Chapter 6 Four Significant Sites
Chapter 7 Repairing and Appeasing

Part Three ? Ideological Warfare (1500?1669)
Chapter 8 The Rise of the Scholar-Officials
Chapter 9 A Young Man’s Request
Chapter 10 One Decade, Two Extremes
Chapter 11 Crescendo
Chapter 12 Finally, Enshrinement

Part Four ? A Name Remembered (1674?2005)
Chapter 13 From Honor to Honors 163
Chapter 14 Into the Twentieth Century 175
Chapter 15 Tombstones without a Tomb 182
Chapter 16 Reflections 188

Epilogue I Am Introduced to the Queen 192
Appendixes 197
Notes 208
Glossary 218
Bibliography 221
Index 231


Sindeok, the First Queen of the Joseon Dynasty
Heavy, intricately carved tombstones are embedded in the banks of theCheonggyecheon Stream that cuts through downtown Seoul, in the shadows of the Gwangtonggyo Bridge, echoing the story of their owner, Queen Sindeok, the first of the Joseon Dynasty. Why are these stones here under the bridge, out in public view, rather than surrounding their assigned tomb, the Royal Tomb of Queen Sindeok?
To examine and understand this enigmatic situation, Tombstones without a Tomb first seeks to understand why the status of Queen Sindeok, who played a crucial role in the foundation of the new dynasty, was degraded after her death, and then traces the process of how the Queen’s honor has since been restored. As the hidden story unfolds, the book brings awareness to the history of Neo-Confucianism and the Neo-Confucian mindset among scholar-officials and the throne throughout the six hundred years of the Joseon dynasty.

A well-organized and useful resource, this original English publication helps readers explore the life and legacy of Queen Sindeok and take a look into the Neo-Confucian society of the Joseon Dynasty.

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