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Literature and Its Readership in the Changing World

Literature and Its Readership in the Changing World

  • SvetlanaAlexievich
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  • 서울셀렉션
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  • 2018-05-21 출간
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  • 707페이지
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  • 155 X 223 mm
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  • ISBN 9781624121135





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Part 1 Perceiving “Us” and “Them”
◆ Keynote Speeches
Recollection of the Future | Svetlana Alexievich
[Russian] Воспоминание о будущем | Светлана Алексиевич
Thinking about “I” or “We” and Others | Ko Un
Us and Them, and Beyond: The Intersubjective Frames of Existence | Kim Uchang
Reflections: Neither Two nor One | Choi Won-shik
◆ Perceiving “Us” and “Them”
Us and Them | Yu Hua
[Chinese] 我??他? | 余?
The Site of the Other | Baek Min-suk
Dots, Lines, Planes, Layers | Kim Ae-ran
Perceiving “Us” and “Them” | Omar P?rez Lop?z
Unqualified as the Other | Chang Kang-myoung
The Ghosts of Mrs. Gandhi | Amitav Ghosh
Transcending Boundaries between Us and Them: Toward a Third Way | Kim Seong-Kon
How Does Poetry Deal with “Them”?: Some Thoughts in the Era of Armistice | Kim Sa-in
Reflections on Being “Hapa”: Living in the Borderlands as Both “Self” and “Other” | Nora Okja Keller
The Superstition of We, the Mystery of the Other | Kim Soom

Part 2 Literature in the Globalizing World / Age of Multimedia
◆ Keynote Speeches
Reading in Tongues | Antoine Compagnon
Dreaming Another World | Chong Hyon-jong
From Interviews with Le Monde and L’Humanit? | Hwang Sok-yong
Literature’s Power and Resistance in the Multimedia Age | Kim Seung-Hee
What Good Are Poets in a Globalized World? | Julia Kristeva
[French] ? quoi bon des po?tes dans le monde globalis? ? | Julia Kristeva
◆ Literature in the Globalizing World
New Overlapping Territories of Literature and Culture | Ben Okri
Garbage and Ghost | Kim Hyesoon
Rediscovering the World and Its Literature | Bang Hyeon-seok
Humans and Stories | Jeong You-jeong
One Single Writer | Park Hyoung su
The Language of Survival | Ha Jin
◆ Literature in the Age of Multimedia
After Multimedia: Speed, Mass, and the Future Literary | Stuart Moulthrop
You Must Drive an Exception into the Heart of Smug Routine:
The Command of Literature and Art in the Social Media Age | Jeong Myeong-kyo
When the Text Is Liquefied in the Liquid Crystal Display | Kim Yeon-su
My View of What Literature Means in the Multimedia Age | Jan Costin Wagner
[German] Gedanken zur Bedeutung von Literatur im Zeitalter von Multimedia | Jan Costin Wagner
Algebra, Fire, and Trees | Kim Kyung-uk
More Mouths and Ears? Is Quiet Time a Possibility for Us? | Jin Eun-young

Part 3 Writers and the Market
◆ Keynote Speeches
Literature in the Market | Jean-Marie Gustave Le Cl?zio
[French] Litt?rature sur la place du march? | Jean-Marie Gustave Le Cl?zio
Author and Market: The Production and Consumption of Literature | Yu Jongho
Murakami-ism and the Market | Hyun Ki-Young
Reflections | Oh Jung-hee
◆ Writers and the Market
Priceless: Some Notes on Poetry and the Market | Robert Hass
The Conflicts that Have Shaped My Life | Nuruddin Farah
Where Is the Literature Flea Market?: Minor Literature in the Age of Pop Culture | Yi In-seong
What Literature Can Do | Lim Chul-woo
The Author and Marketing | Hirano Keiichiro
[Japanese] 作家とマ?ケティング | 平野 啓一?
Footnotes on A Writer of Our Time | Lee Seung-u
The Author and the Market | Hwang Sun-mi

Purpose Statement for the Seoul International Forum for Literature 2017

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  • ㆍ배송기간은 평일 기준 1~3일 정도 소요됩니다.(스프링 분철은 1일 정도 시간이 더 소요됩니다.)
  • ㆍ상품불량 및 오배송등의 이유로 반품하실 경우, 반품배송비는 무료입니다.
  • ㆍ고객님의 변심에 의한 반품,환불,교환시 택배비는 본인 부담입니다.
  • ㆍ상담원과의 상담없이 교환 및 반품으로 반송된 물품은 책임지지 않습니다.
  • ㆍ이미 발송된 상품의 취소 및 반품, 교환요청시 배송비가 발생할 수 있습니다.
  • ㆍ반품신청시 반송된 상품의 수령후 환불처리됩니다.(카드사 사정에 따라 카드취소는 시일이 3~5일이 소요될 수 있습니다.)
  • ㆍ주문하신 상품의 반품,교환은 상품수령일로 부터 7일이내에 신청하실 수 있습니다.
  • ㆍ상품이 훼손된 경우 반품 및 교환,환불이 불가능합니다.
  • ㆍ반품/교환시 고객님 귀책사유로 인해 수거가 지연될 경우에는 반품이 제한될 수 있습니다.
  • ㆍ스프링제본 상품은 교환 및 환불이 불가능 합니다.
  • ㆍ군부대(사서함) 및 해외배송은 불가능합니다.
  • ㆍ오후 3시 이후 상담원과 통화되지 않은 취소건에 대해서는 고객 반품비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.
  • 마이페이지 > 나의상담 > 1 : 1 문의하기 게시판 또는 고객센터 1800-7327
  • 경기도 파주시 문발로 211 1층 / (주)북채널 / 전화 : 1800-7327
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  • 고객님 변심으로 인한 교환 또는 반품시 왕복 배송비 5,000원을 부담하셔야 하며, 제품 불량 또는 오 배송시에는 전액을 당사에서부담 합니다.