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A Curated Guide SEOUL

A Curated Guide SEOUL

  • RobertKoehler
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  • 서울셀렉션
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  • 2018-12-31 출간
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  • 252페이지
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  • 128 X 188 X 22 mm /318g
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  • ISBN 9781624121203





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900원 적립(5%적립)



(제주/도서산간 배송 추가비용:3,000원)


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※ 스프링제본 상품은 반품/교환/환불이 불가능하므로 신중하게 선택하여 주시기 바랍니다.


Real Places. Real Life. Real Seoul.
A Local Guide to the Hottest City in Asia

What’s the best way to tour around a foreign city? Unless you want to pilgrim through the obvious landmarks and take typical vacation shots at tourist restaurants, the best and the safest way would be to get help from a reliable local friend, especially if you plan to explore a newly emerging city in constant change like Seoul. But what if you don’t have a reliable friend in Seoul? A Curated Guide: SEOUL, put together by a local editor and expat authors, will gladly be your friend.

There’s more to Seoul than palaces, bibimbap, K-pop, and soju

Authors Robert Koehler, former editor-in-chief of SEOUL magazine, and Hahna Yoon, former editor of Time Out Seoul, have long been introducing Seoul’s kaleidoscopic aspects to readers around the globe. Their insights in identifying the hidden gems of the city as well as their social, cultural, historical, and artistic knowledge have already been verified by the readers of their magazines, and Robert Koehler’s last book, Seoul Selection Guides: SEOUL, even topped Amazon’s Seoul tour guides category.
Through this book, the two authors sought to present a selective curation distinguished from the humdrum travel information galore on and offline. Deviating from the beaten paths suggested by every previous Seoul guidebook, they curate lesser known enchantments: time-forsaken back alleys and exclusive local shops. While they don’t avoid famous sites altogether, they recommend spots according to their personal experiences rather than popularity, catering to various tastes. From elegantly aged hanok to the hippest clubs in town, the book covers a wide spectrum of interests and preferences.

Locals share the very best Asia’s hottest metropolis has to offer

A Curated Guide: SEOUL is comprised of 10 sections: Neighborhoods, Historic Architecture, Arts & Culture, Dining, Caf?s & Teashops, Nightlife, Nature, Shopping, Experiences, and Accommodations. Want to get a rough idea of the huge metropolis and its layout? Warm up with the “Neighborhoods” section exploring the nine trendiest neighborhoods of Seoul. The authors’ favorites are Euljiro, where the atmosphere shifts dramatically from day to night, and Seongsu-dong, known as the “Brooklyn of Seoul.” If you want more in-depth stories about life and culture in Seoul, check out the essays and interviews of a local architect, indie musician, chef, coffee expert, and DJ featured in the book. With more than 400 photos of vivid moments in the city, the guide offers a fresh perspective on Seoul for travelers, expatriates, or anyone who is simply curious about the city.


Historic Architecture
Arts & Culture
Cafes & Teashops

The Other Truth about Bukchon
Korean Indie: The Next Big Thing?

Korean Eats with Chef Yim Jung-sik
The Philosopher Chef: Jeong Kwan
Talking Joe with Coffee Magazine’s Hong Sung-dae
Seoul at Night with DJ Yuzo and DJ Nunchi

교환 및 환불안내

도서교환 및 환불
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  • 마이페이지 > 나의상담 > 1 : 1 문의하기 게시판 또는 고객센터 1800-7327
  • 경기도 파주시 문발로 211 1층 / (주)북채널 / 전화 : 1800-7327
  • 택배안내 : CJ대한통운(1588-1255)
  • 고객님 변심으로 인한 교환 또는 반품시 왕복 배송비 5,000원을 부담하셔야 하며, 제품 불량 또는 오 배송시에는 전액을 당사에서부담 합니다.