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BTS Art Revolution

BTS Art Revolution

  • JiyoungLee
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  • 파레시아
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  • 2019-05-01 출간
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  • 196페이지
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  • 123 X 190 mm
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  • ISBN 9791196356927





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“The author focuses on the fandom ARMY that supports BTS. Unlike existing idol groups that have maintained a vertical hierarchy in relation to fandom, BTS seeks horizontal communication with ARMY. She writes that “BTS and ARMY have gained their explosiveness through resonance in their mission to change the world, to lead the world in the direction of greater freedom and liberation.””- Yonhapnews

“The author of BTS Art Revolution addresses the message relayed by the group, the way their message resonates across generations, and the group’s interactions with fans. She focuses on the unique relationship between BTS and their global fandom Army and the ways in which the group fuels individual fans to take on a more active role, as well as cultural changes the BTS fever may herald.” - The Korea Herald

“The author argues that BTS has caused “the English-centrism that had long maintained the hierarchies between dominant cultures and others … to crack.” ”- The Korea Economic Daily

“Author Lee Ji-young, an expert on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, analyzes the relationship between BTS and the fandom ARMY based on Deleuze’s concept of rhizome.” - Korea Joongang Daily

“The author, whose research focuses on the film-philosophy of Deleuze, writes that BTS, “beyond being an idol group, can be a representation of radical, ongoing changes in society, media and art form.” Furthermore, she calls this the “BTS phenomenon” that serves as a “starting point of social change and a revolutionary becoming that will change society.” ”- The Hankyoreh

“Upon publication of this book, the music of “idols” will no longer be something reserved for niche culture. It has already become one of the social phenomena that disrupt society and further a subject of philosophical and artistic research that seek to analyze the phenomenon.”- Kukminilbo

“BTS, Art Revolution is an art-philosophy text in which the author has surpassed any existing level of journalistic analysis to put down words of expertise with serious commitment.”- The Munhwa Ilbo

“:How have the music of BTS and the fervor of their fandom ARMY become a sociocultural phenomenon and an aesthetic political episode? Analyzing the revolution and new art being produced by BTS and ARMY through the philosophy and art theory of Gilles Deleuze and Walter Benjamin, this book presents an engaging answer to the question.”- The Segye Ilbo

“More than anything, the book focuses on BTS’ online activity through which they communicate with ARMY. What distinguishes BTS’ social media communication from other idol groups’ is horizontal exchange and solidarity. BTS distances itself from the image of perfect stars. They communicate in the most intimate way, just as friends do. Fans, fascinated by their appearance as normal human beings, initiate various online and offline activities to spread their appreciation of BTS.” - The Chosun Ilbo

“The author writes, “[The BTS phenomenon] is the starting point that weakens the authority and power of seemingly absolute and perpetual reality. As reality’s authority and power starts to be weakened, we can dream of a different life, a different world.” ”- The Kyunghyang Shinmun

“If this is not something that changes the world, if this is not life-changing, what is?” - JoongAngIlbo

“BTS is the hammer that breaks the frozen surface of the ocean of neoliberalism, and the vest that protects young people’s dreams from bullets of the world. The fandom “ARMY” is nothing but passive. They dismantle the old hierarchy where artists produce and fans consume.” - Jang Eunsu, book critic, Maeil Business Newspaper

“The popularity and influence of the idol group BTS is often associated with the group’s flawless choreography or social media marketing, but the author explains that this phenomenon is based on a strategy that can be seen as a revolution.” - Money Today

“BTS, Art Revolution has provided a new perspective on BTS.”- The Seoul Shinmun


Preface to English Edition
Introduction. BTS, their Revolutionary Implications and a New Form of Art
BTS Sweeps the Globe
Serendipity, the Encounter between BTS and ARMY
BTS, a Revolution and a New Form of Art
The BTS Phenomenon as a Seismograph
Why I Write this Book

Part 1. BTS Revolution

Chapter 1. BTS Pulls the Trigger
Sociocritical Message in BTS’ Songs
Dream a Different Dream, Dance a Different Dance
Forward with a Cheerful Ridicule!
Patricide, the Dismantling of Established Rules and Norms
Solidarity to the Universe beyond the Globe!

Chapter 2. Deconstructing Social Hierarchy
Horizontal Fantasy
Success Achieved by the I-ARMY
Creations of Fans ? Online Content
Disruption of Hierarchy Between Languages
Change Begins Where the Established Orders are Incapacitated

Chapter 3. Rhizomatic Revolution through Solidarity
Rhizome: A Horizontal and Acentered System
Principle of Connection
Principle of Heterogeneity and Multiplicity
Principle of Asignifying Rupture
Principle of Cartography
Multiplicity of BTS-ARMY as War-Machine
Revolutionary Praxis and the Cartography of Hope

Part 2. Network-Image as New Art Form

Chapter 1. Structural Features of BTS’ Videos
General Features of the Music Video: Destruction of Narrative Continuity
Open Structure of BTS’ Videos
Repetition and Transformation of the Similar
Symbolism of Images
Online Installation Videos
Cross-Reference and Spectator Participation
Advent of the Network-Image

Chapter 2. The Network-Image and Sharing Value
Characteristics of the Network-Image
Technological Development and Transformation of Art
Sharing, Participation, Openness on Mobile Network Platform
Actual mobility of the Spectator and Sharing Value
Precursors to the New Form of Art
New Form of Art, Democratization, and Hope

Appendix. Beyond the Time-Image of Gilles Deleuze: the Network-Image
Advent of a New Form of Art
The Total System of Cinema
Deleuze’s Attitude Toward the Electronic Image
Advent of the Network-Image
Role of the New Art: Sharing Value
Beyond the Time-Image: the Third Image
Transforming or Overcoming Deleuzian Film-Philosophy with Spectatorship




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