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Analysis of Financial Time Series (Hardcover 3 edition)

Analysis of Financial Time Series (Hardcover 3 edition)

  • Ruey S. Tsay
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  • Wiley
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  • 2010-08-30 출간
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  • 677페이지
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  • English
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  • ISBN 9780470414354





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Financial Time Series and Their CharacteristicsAsset ReturnsDistributional Properties of ReturnsProcesses ConsideredLinear time seriesStationarityAutocorrelationLinear time seriesSimple AR modelsSimple MA modelsSimple ARMA ModelsUnit-Root NonstationaritySeasonal ModelsRegression with Correlated ErrorsConsistent Covariance Matrix EstimationLong-Memory ModelsVolatility modelsCharacteristics of VolatilityStructure of a ModelModel BuildingTesting for ARCH EffectThe ARCH ModelThe GARCH ModelThe Integrated GARCH ModelThe GARCH-M ModelThe Exponential GARCH ModelThe Threshold GARCH ModelThe CHARMA ModelRandom Coefficient Autoregressive ModelsThe Stochastic Volatility ModelThe Long-Memory Stochastic Volatility ModelApplicationAlternative ApproachesKurtosis of GARCH ModelsNonlinear Models and Their ApplicationsNonlinear ModelsModelingForecastingApplicationHigh-Frequency Data Analysis and Market MicrostructureNonsynchronous TradingBid-Ask SpreadEmpirical Characteristics of Transactions DataModels for Price ChangesDuration ModelsNonlinear Duration ModelsBivariate Models for Price Change and DurationApplicationContinuous-Time Models and Their ApplicationsOptionsSome Continuous-Time Stochastic ProcessesIto"s LemmaDistributions of Price and ReturnBlack-Scholes EquationBlack-Scholes Pricing FormulasAn Extension of Ito"s LemmaStochastic IntegralJump Diffusion ModelsEstimation of Continuous-Time ModelsExtreme Values, Quantiles, and Value at RiskValue at RiskRiskMetricsAn Econometric Approach to VaR CalculationQuantile EstimationExtreme Value TheoryExtreme Value Approach to VaRA New Approach to VaRThe Extremal IndexMultivariate Time Series Analysis and Its ApplicationsWeak Stationarity and Cross-Correlation MatricesVector Autoregressive ModelsVector Moving-Average ModelsVector ARMA ModelsUnit-Root Nonstationarity and CointegrationCointegrated VAR ModelsThreshold Cointegration and ArbitragePairs TradingPrincipal Component Analysis and Factor ModelsA Factor ModelMacroeconometric Factor ModelsFundamental Factor ModelsPrincipal Component AnalysisStatistical Factor AnalysisAsymptotic Principal Component AnalysisMultivariate Volatility Models and Their ApplicationsExponentially Weighted EstimateSome Multivariate GARCH ModelsReparameterizationGARCH Models for Bivariate ReturnsHigher Dimensional Volatility ModelsFactor-Volatility ModelsApplicationMultivariate t DistributionState-Space Models and Kalman FilterLocal Trend ModelLinear State-Space ModelsModel TransformationKalman Filter and SmoothingMissing ValuesForecastingApplicationMarkov Chain Monte Carlo Methods with ApplicationsMarkov Chain SimulationGibbs SamplingBayesian InferenceAlternative AlgorithmLinear Regression With Time Series ErrorsMissing Values and OutliersStochastic Volatility ModelsA New Approach to SV EstimationMarkov Switching ModelsForecastingOther ApplicationsTable of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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