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Core Topic Guide Vol.2

Core Topic Guide Vol.2

  • 링구아포럼편집부
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  • 링구아포럼
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  • 2013-02-01 출간
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  • 162페이지
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  • 215 X 275 mm
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  • ISBN 9788928615834





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I. Basic Economics
1. Wampum
2. The trouble with paper money
3. Decimal coinage
4. Thorstein Veblen
5. The "Free Silver" Movement
6. Oil and the U.S. economy
7. What Started the Great Depression?
8. John Kenneth Galbraith
9. Supply-side Economics

II. Political Science
1. Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence
2. The separation of powers
3. The Two-Party System
4. Who elects a president?
5. Who are "we the people"?
6. The rise and fall of populism
7. Disputed elections
8. Positive versus Negative Politics
9. Was Roosevelt"s "New Deal" a Good Idea?
10. When are "rights" wrong?
11. The lobbying industry

III. Psychology
1. What folk heroes tell us
2. National villains
3. The Lincoln cult
4. The Elusive "American Character"
5. Americans and "aliens"
6. The importance of Uncle Sam
7. The need for a frontier
8. "Star Trek" and American thinking
9. Shaping public opinion
10. How to sell anything
11. The UFO phenomenon
12. "Environmental awareness"
13. Americans and the "underdog"

IV. Sociology
1. "Equality"" and reality
2. The Politics of Corruption
3. The Irish in America
4. The Japanese-American experience
5. America"s urban underclass
6. Class lines
7. How real is the "American dream"?
8. The academic class
9. Superstar scientists
10. The effects of automation
11. Conformists and rebels
12. The 1960s counterculture
13. Schools - What Do You Get for Your Money?
14. Who Should Pay for Public Schools?
15. A society on drugs
16. Los Angeles Ignites
17. Is the "melting pot" an illusion?

V. Communications
1. "Ameringlish" vs. "Britglish"
2. The decline of the letter
3. The Video Age Begins
4. Spanglish
5. Communication by song
6. The Internet and language
7. American slang
8. Acro., Abbr., & Everyday Speech
9. "Ebonics"
10. "Post-literate" America

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