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Introduction to Linear Algebra

Introduction to Linear Algebra

  • 박홍구
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  • 경문사
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  • 2015-03-05 출간
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  • 564페이지
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  • 188 X 257 mm /1157g
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  • ISBN 9788961058681





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The one of the most important aims of the book is to induce themselves to find the methods analyzing concretely vector structures of a finite dimensional vector spaces over a given ground field, and was centered on making them understood important properties and concepts appearing in vector spaces having more complicated structures through the use of the methods. For the purpose the book provide sufficient examples to explain the meanings inside given definitions, lemmas, propositions, and theorems and help out to solve the exercises given in each section of the book. One may omit the sections having advanced concepts in chapters 6, 7, and 8, whenever one teaches junior undergraduate students without obstructing the flaw of the aim of the book.


Chapter 1 Preliminaries
1.1 Fields
1.2 Matrices and Matrix Operations

Chapter 2 Vector Spaces
2.1 Vector Spaces
2.2 Vectors in Euclidean Spaces
2.3 Subspaces
2.4 Bases of Vector Spaces

Chapter 3 System of Linear Equations
3.1 Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method
3.2 Inverse Matrix
3.3 Elementary Matrix Multiplications
3.4 Row and Column Spaces

Chapter 4 Linear Transformations and Matrices
4.1 Linear Transformations
4.2 Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations
4.3 Compositions of Linear Transformations and Their Matrices
4.4 Change of Basis

Chapter 5 Determinants
5.1 Definition of Determinant
5.2 Properties of Determinant
5.3 Cramer’"s Rule

Chapter 6 Inner Products
6.1 Inner Products
6.2 Gram-Schmidt Theorem

Chapter 7 Eigenvalues and Their Applications
7.1 Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
7.2 Eigenvalues and Their Applications
7.3 Diagonalization of Square matrices
7.4 Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices
7.5 Quadratic Forms

Chapter 8 Jordan Canonical Forms
8.1 Jordan Chains
8.2 Jordan Canonical Forms

Answers to Exercises

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