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  • JungSookYang
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  • 신아출판사
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  • 2021-08-10 출간
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  • 351페이지
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  • 151 X 225 X 19 mm /499g
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  • ISBN 9791156059394





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Foreword ㆍ 6


Young Mee Bok
Sansevieria (Mother in Law’s Tongue) ㆍ 16
Working from Home ㆍ 17

Jung Sook
Byun Flower-Fire ㆍ 18
Sound Artist ㆍ 20
I’m Being, You’re not Being ㆍ 21

Gloria Cha
Morning dew ㆍ 22
Kiss ㆍ 23

Hyang Sim Chang
Trials Raise Me up ㆍ 24
Cleary Flower Like crystal ㆍ 26

Marcelo S Chang
Stairway to heaven ㆍ 28
Looking for Vika bamba ㆍ 30

Sung Ja Cho
The Thistle ㆍ 32
Paeraengi- Kkot (Dwart rainbow pink) ㆍ 33

Im Sun Choi
Walking on a desert once more ㆍ 34
Something coming after parting ㆍ 35

Hee Su Chung
Mannequin ㆍ 36
The Reed ㆍ 37
White Stone Bridge ㆍ 38

Myung Ja Ha
Notebook ㆍ 40
My Grandma ㆍ 41

If I was Caught Doing Something ㆍ 42
In a Village ㆍ 43

James Heon
City Dwelling pigeon ㆍ 44
Manhattan Morn ㆍ 45

Mi Kwang Hwang
Shower ㆍ 46
The Story of Flushing ㆍ 47

Howard Y Jang
On the Winter Beach ㆍ 48
Spring ㆍ 49

In Sik Jee
The wind of compassion ㆍ 50
Newness ㆍ 52

Jonghwan Jeong
One Word ㆍ 54
When A Sparrow Flew Away From ㆍ 55

Dong Wan Joo
Dandelion dream ㆍ 56
Flushing streets ㆍ 57

On Kyung Joo
Snowdrops ㆍ 58
Thoughts of One Autumn Morning ㆍ 59

Annie A. Jun
My Mother’s Oji ㆍ 60
Whilst Standing on the Road to Winter’s coming ㆍ 62

Agnes (Jeonghae) Kim
March ㆍ 64
The Coffee Shop ㆍ 65

Mee Sook Kim
A Dog ㆍ 66
My Song ㆍ 67

Myong Soon Kim
The Last of Life ㆍ 68
By the Morning Window ㆍ 69

Theresa Young Kim
Arirang Lament ㆍ 70
Bodhisattva the Dancer ㆍ 72

Kyung Sook Kwak
Entering an Empty House ㆍ 74
The Burn ㆍ 75

Sang Hee Kwak
Postcard from the Desert ㆍ 76
It is Life! ㆍ 77

Chong bee Lee
On the threshold of Autumn ㆍ 78
Wild flowers! Compassion for you... ㆍ 79

Chung Kang Lee
The Moon on the Charles Bridge ㆍ 80
Whose Flower is it? ㆍ 81

Hyeran Lee(Yu)
Dot ㆍ 82
Thawing 1.11.111 ㆍ 84
In this World ㆍ 87

Joon Lee
Even Now ㆍ 88

Kwang Ji Lee
The Full Moon ㆍ 89
The Laughing Flower ㆍ 90

Moon Hae Lee
Prayer ㆍ 91
Waiting ㆍ 92

Myung Sook Lee
Into the Cloud ㆍ 93
Looking at Folk Painting ㆍ 94

Sung Kon Lee
Furnace ㆍ 96
Cliff ㆍ 97

Peter D. Shin
Bird of Paradise ㆍ 99
The Shipwreck Ball ㆍ 101
Sword Dancing Damsel ㆍ 102

Jung Ah Sohn
Now, I know ㆍ 104
On the Morning of Spring ㆍ 106

Ok SunWoo
Fog ㆍ 108
Longing ㆍ 109

Kwanho Gary Yun
With the Emptiness ㆍ 110
The Flower of Daffodils ㆍ 1111

Youngmi Yun
Blue Pine Tree ㆍ 112
At the Junkyard ㆍ 113


In Sook Bang
A beautiful story created by a winter storm ㆍ 116
The Diamond Button ㆍ 121

Dong Sun Choi
How are you doing? ㆍ 129
Pause ㆍ 134

Soo C. Chun
“Measuring acorns” ㆍ 138

Sul Ja Chun
Korean Education ㆍ 142

Ted Han
Obituary: Too Early to Leave ㆍ 147
Windows to “THE WORLD” ㆍ 150

Kapjung Kang
The Meaning of Flowers ㆍ 154

Catskills Elegy ㆍ 161
Tear of the clouds ㆍ 165

Bong Rhee Kim
All I have ㆍ 169
Snow Storm ㆍ 173

Heeou Kim
I have hands, too ㆍ 177

Jawon J Kim
George Floyd ㆍ 179
In the middle of this ㆍ 182

Ki Hoon Kim
The First Egg and Maternal Affection ㆍ 185
The Dead Sea and Baseball Players ㆍ 189

Myong Soon Kim
Roses of Sharon in America ㆍ 193
A glorious morning in my homeland ㆍ 198

Oak Soo Kim
20% American ㆍ 204

Kyung Sook Kwak
On ‘letting go’ ㆍ 208

Chun Hee Lee
Serendipity ㆍ 212
Even when I’m sixty-four ㆍ 216
Plunge ㆍ 219

Kyung Ae Lee
Autumn glory ㆍ 223
Musings in the new year ㆍ 226

Kyung Hee Lee
Monologues and Conversations ㆍ 229

Byung Im Min
Analog fun ㆍ 232
Two mothers ㆍ 236

Jung Kil Na
Pain for Our Youth ㆍ 240

Byung Nim Soh
A space of my own ㆍ 243

Joo Hee Yang
Number lovers ㆍ 247
Patagonia Marathon ㆍ 250

Jung Sook Yang
Rain echoing in my heart ㆍ 254
Silver grass and the elderly ㆍ 257
The cardinal ㆍ 260

Mi Kyung Yi
Musing I ㆍ 262
Pursuit of Happiness ㆍ 265

Bong W. Yeon
The Origin of Korean Language ㆍ 268
Which languages are the most important? ㆍ 273


Myong Soon Kim
The butterfly ㆍ 280

Youngkuk Han
AP 22 ㆍ 294

Departed Members (Poems)

Chi Ja Chun
A peculiar Brain ㆍ 322

Young Soo Kim
The Sound of Grass Worm at Night ㆍ 323

Tae Soo Kim
Jiri Mountain ㆍ 324

Min Heum Park
Snow with Rain ㆍ 325

Suk Jin Yun
Kiteㆍ 326

Nam Gu Hyung
The Missed Invitation ㆍ 327

Hae Young Jeong
Three Verses ㆍ 328

Departed Members (Essays)

Estee Song
Why I write ㆍ 330

Min Jung
Kim One day ㆍ 335

Ke Hyang Lee
I was born outside my home country ㆍ 338

Soo Nam Han
My home will always remain my home ㆍ 341

Joo Sang Kim
I still long to fly ㆍ 345

Cover Story
tteoksals and chaekgeoris ㆍ 350

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  • ㆍ주문하신 상품의 반품,교환은 상품수령일로 부터 7일이내에 신청하실 수 있습니다.
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